My Policy/Terms of Use
I had been meaning to do this for some time. There is no need to ask my permission to use my meshes for your creations. Why? Because you can take it alll~!!!! XD It's all free for you to use, any object meshes I upload. I don't need any credit; it won't keep me from breathing or anything serious like that, though the warm fuzziness inside when it's given is always a nice feeling. ^-^ All I ask is that you don't use my textures. They're not all that great, anyway, so this is more of a warning than a request, lol. Also, I have no problem with people re-uploading my work on other sites and forums (especially the foreign ones)--just as long as you don't say it's YOURS. That's bad, and the gremlins will attack you in your sleep if you say you created it when you know you didn't. As long as you say this is Elle the Hermit's or something, I'm a happy camper. Well...that's not true, I HATE camping--last camping trip I took was way back when I was a little girl and I've had BAD allergies since birth, so I was sick the entire time, and they loaded me up with so many meds that I was asleep nearly the whole time and missed out on the free marshmallows and no one bothered to frikkin wake me up and--omG I'm at it again! O.O